Women's shirts limited to quantities on hand.
Sea turtles are gorgeous, graceful, and beloved, but are highly threatened. The development of beaches has made suitable nesting sites scarce, the warming climate is skewing temperature-dependent sex ratios, and plastic pollution in our oceans is approaching dire levels.
Traditional campaigns to stop plastic pollution showed sea turtles caught in six-pack rings, which led to the misguided manufacturing of plastics that break down more readily. As a result, the surface of our oceans is becoming inundated with microscopic particles of plastic. Toxins such as PCBs tend to be attracted to and sequestered in these particles, which are then intentionally or inadvertently eaten by organisms from zooplankton to whales. These toxins become more concentrated higher in the food chain, making staple seafood such as tuna dangerous to eat.
You can reduce the amount of plastic used. You can support city and state bans on styrofoam, plastic straws, and other single use plastics. You can carry a reusable plastic or glass container for leftovers at restaurants and for bulk purchases at grocery stores. You can carry a reusable water container and coffee cup. You can carry your own portable spoon, fork, and knife. You can use our organic totebags and/or carry some totebags and other bags.
This shirt promotes the conservation of habitat for sea turtles and encourages people to "refuse plastic bags"; the design is also available on tote bags! Two kissing sea turtles are accompanied by the text "Keep beaches wild and dark for nesting and hatching."
Artwork by Asante Riverwind, a former Sierra Club staffer, whom Jim met at a protest of the sale of lumber from old growth forests.
Youth Organic discontinued - 30% Off (limited to quantities on hand)
Design # 1579 1579t 1579p 1579w 1579s 1579b 1579y